“Compassion asks us to go where it hurts, to enter into the places of pain, to share in brokenness, fear, confusion, and anguish. Compassion challenges us to cry out with those in misery, to mourn with those who are lonely, to weep with those in tears. Compassion requires us to be weak with the weak, vulnerable with the vulnerable, and powerless with the powerless. Compassion means full immersion in the condition of being human.”
– Henri J.M. Nouwen
The outreach team at Good Shepherd desires to REACH our city through supporting local gospel centered non-profits, through organizing regular service opportunities for our congregation, and by encouraging members in their individual efforts. It is our hope that by creating regular rhythms of service we are REFLECTING God's kingdom as we aim to know & love our neighbors (Matthew 22:39) and seek the welfare of our city (Jeremiah 29:7). We desire to accomplish these goals by staying ROOTED in the gospel and by humbly submitting to Jesus.
Our Daily Bread
On the third Wednesday of every month Good Shepherd prepares and serves a meal for those in need in our community through the ministry of Our Daily Bread.
Normal Talk
Normal Talk exists to bring Athens together for healthy community discourse. Its purpose is to give folks with different backgrounds & belief systems an opportunity to discuss issues of our day in a safe and constructive environment.
Community Bins
For two months at a time, we collect needed items in our Community Bins. We have worked with local gospel-centered nonprofits and ministries such as The Ark, The Sparrow’s Nest, and Chosen for Life Ministries.

Upcoming Events
Holli Ratcliffe
Outreach Ministry Team Leader
Holli is a native of Mississippi who studied marketing and psychology at the University of MS. After college, she worked in retail, owning her own candy and ice cream store on the Oxford square for 10 years! In 2018 Holli's family moved to Athens and in 2021 they became members of Good Shepherd. Holli enjoys family time (especially cooking & game nights), getting to know others, and exploring new places. One piece of scripture that has been meaningful to her is Hebrews 10:24; Let us consider how to stir one another to love and good works.
Ben Allee
Outreach Ministry Team Member
Ben is a writer and digital content professional from Gwinnett County who moved to Athens, GA after getting his undergraduate degree in journalism. He and his wife joined Good Shepherd after finding the church on Google (go figure), and now he helps facilitate Normal Talk, an event geared toward helping the church and the Athens community come together to discuss tough topics in a healthy environment.
Nathan Dolan
Outreach Ministry Team Member
Nathan, a recent Covenant grad, works at Ross Landscapes in Oakwood. He has attended Good Shepherd since moving to Athens in August of 2022. He loves his wife, Hannah, his church family, and music.
Hannah Dolan
Outreach Ministry Team Member
Hannah recently graduated from UGA and currently works at Family Promise of Athens, a shelter for families experiencing homelessness. She enjoys walking/running around town, being outside, and trying to make stuff whether it’s music, food, or art. She loves her Nike slides and her husband, Nathan.
Olivia Potter
Outreach Ministry Team Member
Olivia grew up in Pennsylvania and attended Grove City College where she met her best buddy and longsuffering husband, Sam. She was a member of the Teach for America 2014 Corps and taught in Texas for several years before pursuing her graduate degree in Educational Technology & Library Science. In 2022, her family moved to Athens and the following year became members of Good Shepherd. Besides spending time with her family, Olivia loves to grow fruits and vegetables, volunteer with Books for Keeps, and cajole sweet Sam into DIY projects. Olivia and Sam have two children: Ezra and Jane.